This is one I saved to note pad and pasted from there to mail. Judy MMMMM----- from Cheshire's Crafts & Cuisine Title: Spicy Berry Cider Categories: Cyberealm, Beverages Yield: 7 8oz servs. 4 c Apple cider (or apple -slightly sweetened] -juice) 1 ts Allspice [whole] 1 cn (18 oz) pineapple juice 1 ts Cloves [whole] [unsweetened} 1 Nutmeg [whole] 2 c Raspberries [fresh] *or* 4 (packets) EQUAL *or* 2 c Raspberries [frozen & 1 1/4 ts EQUAL MEASURE (tm) 1) In a large saucepan combine the juices, berries, and spices, bringing slowly to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 min... 2) Remove from heat and strain (to remove the seeds) and stirr in the EQUAL (packets or MEASURE)... 3) Serve in mugs and garnish with a cinnamon stick if desired... Source: the Simply Sweet recipe book from EQUAL brand sweetener. Converted to MM format by Fred Goslin in Watertown NY on CYBEREALM Bbs, home of KOOKNET, at (315) 786-1120 MMMMM