MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Home-made Tomato Juice Categories: Vegetables, Chilies Yield: 8 servings 3 lb Very ripe garden tomatoes; - cored, rough chopped 1 1/4 c Celery; chopped, with leaves 1/3 c White/yellow onion; chopped 2 tb Sugar; to taste 1 ts Salt 1 pn Black pepper 6 dr Tabasco sauce; up to 8 drops, - to taste * Cook the tomatoes, vegetables, and seasonings: Put all of the ingredients into a large non-reactive pot (use stainless steel, not aluminum). Bring to a simmer and cook, uncovered, until mixture is completely soupy, about 25 minutes. Force the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve, chinoise, or food mill. Cool completely. SIMPLE TIP! If you like, save the solids left in the strainer. Puree them with a little water and to add to recipes for a tomato-y boost. UDD NOTE: i ran my juice through my Waring blender which pretty well did for all the solids so that there was nothing to strain Store covered and chilled. Will last for about 1 week in the refrigerator. * I am not a big fan of Tabasco. I find it bitter and it's often more heat than I appreciate. I used eithe Cholula or, oddly, Franks. Recipe adapted from Gourmet Magazine, who got it from Chef Brill Williams of The Inn at Sawmill Farm in West Dover, Vermont. -- Elise Bauer RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM