MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Kieran Jefferson's Wild Winter Warmer Categories: Five, Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, Vegetables Yield: 2 servings 250 g Hazelnuts; shelled 5 g Green hogweed seeds 50 g Cloveroot roots 2 Bay leaf Water Salt Demerara sugar To make the hazelnut milk, cover the nuts with water. Add a pinch of salt, cover, and leave overnight. Once soaked, pour away the soaking liquid, and rinse the nuts thoroughly. Place in a food processor along with 500ml water, and blitz until all the nuts are blended. Pass through a fine sieve a couple of times, pressing the pulp with the back of a wooden spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. The leftover hazelnut pulp can be dried and used in cakes, bread, anywhere you might use nuts. The resulting milk will keep, covered, in the fridge for 4 or 5 days. Remove the roots from the cloveroot plant, discarding the woody central root mass. Give them a good shake, and then wash in several changes of fresh water to remove any remaining mud. Set aside on a kitchen towel to dry a little. Roughly chop the hogweed seeds and cloveroot. Place the cloveroot, hogweed seeds, bay leaf, and hazelnut milk in a saucepan, and warm gently. Do not boil, as it will split. Once beginning to steam, remove from the heat, cover, and cool. Once cooled, place in the fridge and allow to infuse for at least 12 hours, more if you can - I would make this a couple of days in advance. When needed, strain the liquid to remove the roots and seeds, and put the sieved infusion back into a pan. Warm gently, and add Demerara sugar and a pinch of salt, to taste. Serve straight away. This first appeared in a different form in Locavore Magazine Makes around 500 ml, enough to serve 2 RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM