MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Mock Peach Daiquiri Categories: Beverages, Fruit, Dairy Yield: 4 servings 14 oz Peaches; drained, -reserve juice 1 tb Lemon juice 6 Ice cubes 1/3 c Milk, homogenized 1/2 c Peach juice 1/2 ts Rum flavoring Put peaches, lemon juice, ice cubes, milk, peach juice and rum flavoring into a blender. Blend until ice is gone. Serve immediately. NOTE: Fresh peaches may be used. Add 1 tbsp granulated sugar or to taste. MOCK STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRI: Use fresh strawberries instead of peaches. Add 1 tbsp granulated sugar or to taste. MAKES: 2 1/2 cups including foam SOURCE: Company's Coming: Appetizers by Jean Pare MMMMM