MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Jogging In a Jug Categories: Beverage, Health, D/g Yield: 6 Servings 16 oz Apple juice 16 oz Grape juice 16 oz Cranberry juice 6 T Natural Cider Vinegar* 3 T Honey * Natural Cider Vinegar *with* the mother, found in health food stores (I use Bragg's brand). Pasteurized apple cider vinegar from the grocery store has not been effective for me. Mix the portions in a gallon jug. Keep in refrigerator. One serving is an 8 oz glass. We use a concentrate mix of cran/grape instead of the separate juices. This mixture is adapted from one we got on the Cooking Echo years ago. I'm sure that others could adapt it to their tastes. Proportions are not rigid, but make sure you get enough vinegar in the mix and that it is the right sort of vinegar. There is a commercial (high priced) "Joggin' In a Jug" mixture that can be found in some stores, but I have never tried it. This is an old folk's remedy that comes out of Vermont. A man named Dr. Jarvis was said to have spread the news all over Vermont about the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar. The older (and smarter) folks mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of room temperature water then add one tablespoon of honey to that. The apple cider vinegar acts like a rotor rooter in your veins and the honey gives energy. For me, this has helped with joint aches over the years, especially in the knees. Whether it is a placebo effect or not is undetermined, but I doubt that it does any harm. ++ Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp, Columbia Md. ++ MMMMM