MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: GREEN TOMATO & APPLE CHUTNEY #2 Categories: Relishes, Can/cure Yield: 1 Servings 2 lb Green tomatoes Salt 3 md Onions, peeled and chopped 6 c Tart green apples; peel/chop 1 1/2 c Malt vinegar 1 1/2 c Packed brown sugar 3 c Sultana raisins 1 c Chopped dates 1 1/2 ts Ground ginger 1/4 c Pickling spice Cut green tomatoes into thin slices (you should have 6 cups). Place in large shallow dish. Sprinkle with salt, cover with plastic wrap and leave overnight. Next day, drain off any liquid from tomatoes and place tomatoes in large saucepan. Add chopped onions, apples, vinegar, brown sugar, raisins, dates and ginger. Tie pickling spices in piece of cheesecloth; add to tomato mixture. Stir all ingredients to mix. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until thickened to desired consistency, stirring occasionally. This will take about 1 1/2 hours. Discard spice bag. Ladle chutney into hot half-pint jars, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Wipe rims clean. Adjust lids according to manufacturer's directions and process in boiling water bath 10 minutes. Makes about 11 cups. The Vancouver Sun, September 28, 1994 MMMMM