MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Spicy Apple Chutney Categories: Relishes, Condiments, Chilies, Fruit Yield: 5 cups 2 md Oranges 2 tb Unsalted butter 1/2 c Coarsely chopped red onion 1 tb Minced jalapeno 2 tb Finely diced ginger 2 c Fresh orange juice 2 tb Vinegar 1/2 c Packed light brown sugar 3 tb Honey 8 Granny Smith apples; Peeled, cored & sliced thin Cilantro 2 tb Diced red bell pepper Salt Freshly ground pepper Peel the oranges, reserving the zest, and cut the flesh into segments. Set aside. In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and saute the onion and jalapeno until the onion is translucent. Add the ginger, orange zest, orange juice, vinegar, brown sugar, and honey and cook until the sauce is reduced by half and has a glazed appearance. Reduce heat to low, add two thirds of the apple slices, and cook until the fruit is just tender. Turn off the heat and gently fold in the remaining apples and the orange segments. Pour the chutney into a bowl and allow to cool. Mix in the cilantro, red bell pepper, and salt and pepper to taste. Recipe by: GRILLIN' & CHILLIN' SHOW From: Gail Shermeyer MMMMM