MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Funky Pesto with Green Beans Categories: Sauces, Cheese, Herbs, Vegetables Yield: 8 Servings 1 lg Red pepper, roasted, -peeled and seeded 1 c Picked parsley leaves 1 c Picked cilantro leaves 1/4 c Toasted walnuts 1/2 c Grated Asiago cheese 3/4 c Olive oil Salt and pepper 1 lb Green beans, blanched to -crisp-tender Place the red pepper, parsley, cilantro and walnuts in the work bowl of the food processor. Blend until smooth. Add the cheese, blend to incorporate. With the machine still running , slowly add the olive oil and process for 30 seconds. Remove from bowl and season. Drop the cooked beans in the water bath to reheat. Place the beans in a mixing bowl and add the pesto. Toss and season. Serve in a large pretty bowl. Recipe by: ESSENCE OF EMERIL SHOW #EE2179 MMMMM