MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cutting Board Salsa Categories: Salsa, Chilies, Vegetables, Herbs Yield: 2 Cups 21 lg Cloves garlic 2 Jalapeno or serrano chilies 1/2 c Chopped fresh parsley; - packed lightly 3 tb Chopped fresh mint 1 lb Garden fresh tomatoes 1/4 ts Salt; to taste Juice of one lemon You will need a large cutting board. On a large cutting board, chop the garlic and then the chilies. Add the parsely and mint and continue to chop. Slice and then chop the tomatoes, adding them to the pile of other ingredients. Mix as you chop by turning the salsa with the flat of your knife or cleaver. Mix in the salt. When all the ingredients are well- chopped, put the salsa into a small attractive bowl and blend in the lemon juice. The salsa will be quite runny, ideal for being sopped up with flatbreads. NOTES: Our household name for this fresh Kurdish sauce is "cutting board salsa" because all the ingredients can be conveniently chopped together into one large pile on a cutting board. Chopping the ingredients together is an excellent way to blend and to distribute the different tastes and flavors. Serve as a dipping sauce for bread or a side with grilled kebabs. The quantity of chilies used in the recipe produces a salsa that is somewhat hot when eaten all by itself - adjust according to your own taste. Recipe By: Bakers' Dozen (Alford & Duguid) Show #BD1A28 MMMMM