---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Poblano-Pine Nut Salsa Categories: New, Text, Import Yield: 4 servings 2 lg poblano peppers, roasted and : peeled, -- left whole 1 red bell pepper, roasted and : peeled, -- left whole 1 ts chopped garlic 1 TB lime juice 1 ts chopped fresh marjoram 1 ts olive oil : Salt and pepper 3/4 c pine nuts, -- toasted In a small bowl combine peppers, garlic, lime, marjoram, and oil. Mix and season. Just before serving, add the pine nuts to the salsa and stir well. Serve atop some grilled chicken breast or with chips. Yield: 2 cups of salsa. Recipe By :ESSENCE OF EMERIL SHOW#EE2219 From: Meg Antczak