MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Basic Green "Mexican Salsa" Categories: Mexican, Sauces, Yield: 4 servings 8 Green Tomatillos 1/2 lg Onion Fresh Green chiles serranos The quantity as you want 1 sm Clove of garlic Salt and pepper 10 Leaves of Cilantro (optional Peel the green tomatillos if they still have the dry skin. In a boiling water cook the tomatillos and chiles serranos for 1 or 2 min. Ground all the ingredients. You can use this fresh salsa for tacos or quesadillas or if you want you can cook it: In a sauce pan add a little amount of vegetable oil and when it will be warm add the "salsa", cook 20 min or more. Now you can prepare "chilaquiles" or eggs. Patricia Wriedt. MMMMM