---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: CHEZ MELANGE DIPPING SAUCE Categories: Sauces, Appetizers Yield: 1 servings 6 oz Anchovies 1/2 c Olive oil 1 lb Carrots; coarsely chopped 1 Onion; coarsely chopped 1 lb Celery; coarsely chopped 1 1/2 c Dry white wine 6 lb Whole tomatoes - finely chopped 12 oz Crushed tomatoes 1/2 c Tomato paste 1 1/4 qt Chicken stock 1 1/2 Lemons, zested 1/3 c Worcestershire sauce 4 Beef bouillon cubes 1 1/2 ts Salt 1 1/4 ts Black pepper 1 1/4 ts Granulated garlic 3/4 ts Crushed red chiles 1 1/4 ts Ground basil 1 1/2 ts Ground thyme 1 1/2 c Light brown sugar In a medium large saucepan place the anchovies and the olive oil. Simmer them on medium low for 12 to 15 minutes, or until the anchovies have dissolved. In a large saucepan place the dissolved anchovies and the oil. Add the remainder of the ingredients and stir them together. Simmer the mixture for 1 hour. It is served in a bowl with freshly baked bread, and it's fantastic!" -----