---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Fruit Chili Sauce Categories: Perserves, Preserves, Heirloom Yield: 1 Servings 30 Large tomatoes, peeled 6 Onions, peeled 6 Pears, peeled 6 Peaches, peeled 3 Green pepper 3 Sweet red peppers 1 Large bunch celery 4 c Granulated sugar 2 tb Salt 1 qt Cider vinegar 1/2 c Mixed pickling spices (tied In a bag) Prepare and chop the vegetables and fruit. Add sugar, salt, vinegar and spices. Simmer slowly uncovered until thick - about two hours. Discard spices and pour into sterlized jars and seal. Source: Heritage Recipes ch. -----