---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: HONEY ALMOND GRILLING GLAZE ** Categories: Grill, Sauces, Seafood, Chicken, Pork Yield: 2 cups ---------------------------------BILLS20086--------------------------------- 11 tb Unsalted butter 2 tb Flour 1 c Slivered almonds 2 tb Prudhomme's Seafood Magic 1 c Celery; chopped 1 c Honey 1 ts Fresh lemon peel; grated 1 c Chicken stock 1/8 ts Ground nutmeg In small saucepan over medium heat, melt 3 tbls butter. Whisk in flour until smooth, about 1 minute. Set aside. In 10" skillet over high heat, melt remaining 8 tbls butter. When it comes to a hard sizzle, add almonds, Seafood Magic and celery. Cook, stirring frequently at first and constantly near end of cooking time, about 8 minutes or until almonds are browned. Stir in honey and cook, stirring frequently, about 1 minute. Stir in lemon peel and stock. Cook, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes. Add nutmeg; cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Whisk in reserved butter mixture until it is incorporated and sauce is slightly thickened, 30-60 seconds. Remove from heat. NOTE: Excellant on grilled seafood, chicken or pork. Brush it on right before meat is ready to come off the grill and bring some to the table for dipping. -----