MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Fruit Sauce for Buffalo Roast Categories: Native, Game, Sauces Yield: 2 Cups 1 c Seedless grapes 1 c Dried apricots, diced 1 1/2 c Water 1/2 Stick butter or margarine 1/2 c Madeira wine 1/4 ts Cinnamon Pinch of cloves Pinch of nutmeg 1/2 ts Powdered ginger 1/4 ts Salt 1/2 c Ground or finely chopped Nuts (almonds, hickory, or Pecans) Cover grapes and apricots in saucepan with water and bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain fruit and add all remaining ingredients. Simmer for 10 minutes. Makes about 2 1/2 cups. Source: "COOKING WILD GAME", by Zack Hanle, 1974 MMMMM