---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: JOHN F. GLASSER'S BARBECUE SAUCE Categories: Bar-b-q, Sauces Yield: 3 servings 1/4 c Ketchup 1 c Tomato juice 1/4 c Vinegar 1/2 c Water 2 ts Worcestershire sauce 1/4 ts Chili powder 1/4 ts Garlic salt 1 ts Paprika 1/8 ts Ground cayenne pepper 1 ts Dry mustard 1 ts Salt 2 ts Brown sugar 1/2 c Chopped onion Combine all ingredients and simmer 15 minutes. Sufficient for 3 lbs. of ribs. Sauce was the creation of my late father-in-law. Enjoy! - Jeff Duke -----