---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: HAM'S PIQUANT BARBECUE SAUCE Categories: Sauces, Bar-b-q Yield: 1 servings 2 md Onions, chopped Olive oil 1 ea Green bell pepper, chopped 2 ea Beef tomatoes, chopped 2 ts Allspice 2 ts Mustard 4 ts Extra hot chile powder 1 ts Cumin 1 tb Capers, chopped 1 ea Glass red wine ------------------------DIRECTIONS------------------------ 4 ea Cloves Garlic, chopped 1 ea Red bell pepper, Chopped 12 oz Tomatoes, chopped 1 ea Sml can concentrated tomato -paste 1 ts Ginger 2 ts Mild paprika 2 ts Oregano 2 ts Olive paste 1 tb Soy sauce Black pepper Sweat the onions and garlic in a saucepan with the olive oil, taking care not to brown (a pot with close fitting lid helps), add the sweet peppers cook a little longer, add the tomato, cook a little more, then chuck everything in and cook for another 45 minutes. Liquidize. That's it. -----