---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Calypso Sauce Categories: Caribbean, Sauces, Condiments, Spice, Chilies Yield: 1 quart 1 tb Oil 2 md Yellow onions, sliced and -separated into rings 4 cl Garlic, sliced Sugar 25 Fresh habaneros 4 tb Vinegar 4 tb Limeade concentrate 2 tb Vodka 4 tb Coleman's dry mustard 3 ts Salt 3 Allspice berries, ground Saute until brown and caramelized the onions and garlic, in the oil and a small amount of sugar. Transfer this onion mixture to a blender. Add the remaining ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth. Refrigerate. Posted by: Matthew E. Pollack on rec.food.recipes Re-posted by Ross Thompson on Chile-Heads-L -----