* Exported from MasterCook * HAMBURGER GRAVEY Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Hamburger Beef Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- Pepper 3 md Onions, chopped 1 lb Ground chuck 1 1/2 c Water + 2 Tb 1 Beef bouillion cube Pepper Contributed to the echo by: Marge Hamburger Gravy Okay... several onions, maybe 2 large or three medium, very coarsely chopped. 1 pound hamburger, probably ground chuck or leaner. Scramble/brown the hamburger and onions together over medium heat, keeping the meat chopped as finely as possible, you don't want big clumps in this, until meat is cooked, and onion translucent. Drain off the excess grease from the meat, trying to leave about a tablespoon or two in the skillet. Sprinkle a scant two tablespoons of water over the meat mixture, and stir it in well over low to medium heat. Add approximately a cup and a half of water, and stir to blend. (You might want to toss a bouillion cube in at this point, won't hurt it any!) Simmer, stirring, until the "gravy" thickens... Taste and see about adding a healthy shake or three of pepper and (if you omitted the bouillion cube) a dash of salt. Won't hurt it to stay warm on the back of the stove for a while while the potatoes finish boiling, the flavor will go into the gravy more that way. Howzat for indefinite? But there WAS no recipe...we just made it! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -