---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Yemenite Zhug (yemenite Hot Sauce) Categories: Sauce Yield: 1 servings 1 lb Serrano chiles 5 whole heads of garlic; -peeled 1 bunch fresh cilantro; well -rinsed 1 ts dried hot red pepper flakes; -or to taste 1/2 ts powdered cumin salt to taste olive oil to cover Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 08:20:37 -0800 (PST) From: Ivan Weiss This recipe is cribbed without permission from Joan Nathan: "Jewish Cooking in America," (Knopf, 1994, $30 (and worth it)) so I feel honor-bound to plug this terrific cookbook, which I'm sure contains something for everybody -- even a chile-head, as I found out. Blend in food processor. Makes + or - about a pint. Stores well in refrigerator. Now, some variations. Use habs, seeds and all. Serranos taste wonderful but habs taste better and pack more kick. I use seeds and all, just cut off the stems. Add some olive oil while blending. Your mileage may vary. For "dried hot red pepper flakes" I use my other killer app, habs and chipotles, 1 to 1, ground fine. Does 5 whole heads of garlic seem a bit much? Resist the temptation to scrimp. Inconceivable that a C-H would be a garlic wimp. You can't beat this combination of flavors. Add it to anything you can think of. Let your imagination run wild. I use it a lot for salad dressing bases. For me, a dab of zhug, then olive oil and lemon juice, is all a salad needs. CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V2 #238 -----