---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: ONION, BLACK OLIVE, AND CAPER COMPOTE Categories: Sauces, Fish Yield: 6 servings 1/2 c Olive oil 2 Medium onions, halved and Sliced thin 6 Cloves garlic, sliced thin 1/2 c Black olives, such as Kalamatas, pitted and Chopped coarse 1/4 c Capers 2 Anchovy fillets, rinsed and Minced 1/4 c Balsamic vinegar 1 ts Minced fresh marjoram, or 1/2 Teaspoon dried 2 tb Minced fresh parsley Salt and black pepper to Taste Heat two tablespoons oil in large saute pan. Add onions and saute over medium heat until softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic; saute until fragrant, about 1 minute longer. Turn onion mixture into medium bowl; stir in remaining ingredients. Serve compote warm or at room temperature. -----