---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Salsa Alla Bolognese Categories: New, Text, Import Yield: 4 servings 3 TB sweet (unsalted) butter 1 sm white or yellow onion, -- : chopped fine 1 sm celery stalk, -- chopped : fine 1/2 sm carrot, -- chopped fine 1/4 lb lean, good quality beef, : preferably chuck, -- ground : twi 1/4 lb lean, good quality pork, : preferably belly, -- ground : twi 1/4 lb lean, good quality veal, -- : ground twice 1/8 lb prosciutto crudo, : thicksliced, -- chopped 1/2 ts salt, -- or to taste : Freshmilled pepper to taste 1/2 c good quality, dry white : wine 2/3 c milk 1/8 ts nutmeg, -- preferably : freshgrated 2 1/2 c (1 28ounce can) Italian plum : tomatoes, peeled, : seeded and chopped, in : puree 1/2 c cream (optional) 1 white truffle, thinly sliced : at the end -- (optional) In a large, wide Dutch oven or large, deep skillet, saute the butter, chopped onion, celery, and carrot until they are soft but not browned. Add the ground meats and prosciutto, turning the flame very low. It is very important that the meat heat very gently, only enough to color it on the outside. Not searing the meat allows it to absorb the other flavors of the sauce, and will also make it more delicate and creamy. Break up and stir the meat as you heat it. You should get it to a uniform pink, not brown color. Add the salt, pepper and wine. Simmer very gently for several minutes until the alcohol evaporates and the liquid begins to be absorbed by the meat and vegetables. Stir in milk and nutmeg. It is important to add the milk before adding the tomatoes for it to be absorbed directly by the meat. Cook gently for 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes. When the sauce begins to simmer, turn the flame down as low as you can. If your burner cannot be regulated low enough, insert a "flame tamer." Simmer in this way, partially covered, for about 4 hours, stirring it gently now and then. Check for seasonings and add an additional pinch of nutmeg if necessary. If the sauce is being used on fresh noodles (not lasagne), and you have a mind to be extravagant, add the cream and the finely sliced truffle when it is finished. Stir and pour over cooked fresh pasta. Yield: Sauce for 1 pound of pasta Recipe By :CHEF DU JOUR SHOW #DJ9212 Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 08:56:25 -0500 -----