MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Sour Cream Horseradish Sauce Categories: Sauces Yield: 4 Servings 2 Egg yolks 1 c Sour cream 1 tb Horseradish 1 Lemon; juice of 1/2 ts Salt 1 ds Sugar 1/4 c Scallions; minced, (garnish) Whisk egg yolks into sour cream. Add other ingredients, except scallions. Heat very slowly over a double boiler, whisking periodically 8-10 minutes. This recipe nicely covers four servings of baked fish, baked potato, or steamed vegetables. Try it with an accompaniment of sweet and sour cabbage. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM