---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.01 Title: Almond Red Sauce Categories: Sauces, Vegetables, Mexican Servings: 4 1/2 c Slivered Almonds; Toasted 1 c Onion; Finely Chopped 1 Clove Garlic; Crushed 2 T Vegetable Oil 8 oz Tomato Sauce; 1 cn 2 t Paprika 1 t Red Chiles; Ground 1/4 t Red Pepper; Ground Place almonds in food processor workbowl fitted with steel blade or in blender container; cover and process until finely ground. Cook onion and garlic in oil over medium heat, stirring frequently, until onion is tender. Stir in remaining ingredients except almonds. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer 1 minute stirring constantly; stir in almonds. Serve hot. Makes about 1 3/4 cups of sauce. -----