MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Roasted Tomato Sauce Categories: Sauces Yield: 2 Cups 4 lb Tomatoes; very red & fresh, -about 12-16 medium 1 lb Sweet onions 5 cl Garlic 2 tb Fruity green olive oil 1 ts Salt; or to taste 3 tb Basil, fresh; coarse chopped Peel the tomatoes in the usual way: Cut a cross in the bottom of each one with a sharp knife and put them into boiling water for 1 minute. Remove them from the hot water directly into cold water, then slip off their skins and trim them over a bowl, catching all the juice. Cut the tomatoes into large chunks or wedges. Peel and chop the onions. Peel and slice the garlic cloves. Toss together all the ingredients, including the juice of the tomatoes, and spread it all evenly over a large bakig sheet with edges. Put the tomatoes in a 375 degree oven and roast them for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours, stirring once after the first hour, then every 30 minutes or so. Most of the liquid will cook away, and the tomatoes will melt into a soft, thick, slightly caramelized marmalade. It's wonderful. Serve this on pasta, with rice, on pizza, with polenta, in soups, in a quesadilla, in an omelet--alongside anything that goes well with tomatoes. Source: "The New Vegetarian Epicure" by Anna Thomas MMMMM