MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Enchilada Sauce #2 Categories: Mexican, Sauces Yield: 1 Servings 12 Dried red peppers (See Note) 1 ts Salt 2 c Water 2 tb Oil 1 tb Flour Note: Use Pasilla or New Mexico peppers, not those small Thai, Japanese or Indian ones. Take the dried peppers and rinse them of dirt. Roast them in a dry wok, or other pan, turning frequently, over low-med heat until they smell roasted. Don't burn the skin too much. Break off the stems and dump out the seeds. Put in a covered pan with 2 c water. Bring to boil then cook over low heat, covered, for about 10 minutes. Then pour peppers and its water into blender and liquify. Add salt to taste. Heat 2 tb oil in a frying pan, add 1 tb flour and cook stirring frequently, until flour starts to brown. Pour in pepper mixture and mix. Add water if necessary to thin. Note: This is a very minimal sauce, without cumin or oregano. I find when you're making from scratch minimal is the way to go to bring out the flavors. From: Jonathan Kandell, recipe from La Posta cookbook. Busted and entered for you by: Bill Webster MMMMM