MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Molho De Piri Piri - Portuguese Hot Red Pepper Sauce Categories: Portuguese, Sauces, Condiments, Chilies Yield: 1 1/2 cups 2 To 6 chili peppers, -depending on their hotness 1 ts Kosher or coarse salt 1 c Olive oil 1/3 c Cider vinegar Stem the peppers and coarsely chop (include the seeds); place in a 1 pint shaker jar along with the salt, olive oil, and vinegar. Cover tight, shake well, then store at room temperature. The sauce will keep well for about a month. Shake the sauce every time you use it. For mellower flavor, roast the peppers uncovered for 15 minutes at low oven heat (300 F), cool until easy to handle, then slip off the skins. Otherwise, prepare as directed. Recipe by: Jean Anderson Source: Cooking Live Show #CL8870 Other recipes add bay leaves, garlic or lemon zest as well. -JW MMMMM