MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: HOT SMOKE FINISHING SAUCE Categories: Sauces, Sauces Yield: 1 Servings 1/4 c Olive oil 1/2 ts Cinnamon 1 md Yellow onion -- coarsely 1 tb Coriander -- ground Chopped 1 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder 6 md Garlic cloves -- minced 8 md Chipotle peppers -- dried o r 1 tb Brown sugar Canned 1/3 c Maple syrup 1 Fresh habanero pepper 1/4 c Bourbon -stemmed 1 c Cider vinegar 14 oz Bottle ketchup 1/2 ts Allspice 1 1/2 c Water 1/2 ts Nutmeg Salt -- to taste 1/2 ts Ground thyme Heat the oil in a large, heavy pot over medium heat and saute onion and garlic until soft. Lower heat, add sugar, syrup, bourbon, vinegar, spices, and cocoa, and reduce for 5 to 10 minutes. Cut the chiles in half and add to the pot, along with the ketchup, water and salt. Cook slowly for 1 1/2 hours, covered, stirring occasionally and adding more water if the sauce becomes thicker than ketchup. When sauce has cooled slightly, puree in the blender. Refrigerated, the sauce will keep 2 to 3 weeks. Recipe By : "Hot Licks" MMMMM