MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Rhubarb Sauce Categories: Five, Sauces, Fruits Yield: 2 Pints 2 c Water 2 c Sugar; level 3 lb Rhubarb; in 1" pieces Make a syrup with the water and sugar. Boil together a few minutes. Add rhubarb to syrup when it starts boiling in center. Watch closely and let boil *JUST* *1* *MINUTE* Now here is the trick that makes ordinary rhubarb sauce a Sauce Deluxe: Pour into a bowl or pan with a tight cover. Leave tightly covered until cold, and you will find a sauce very different from any you have ever eaten. Good on I scream, panquakes, waffles, toast, biscuits, peanut butter sarnies, whatever you care to add it to. Originally from Recipes With A History; Yankee Magazine Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM