---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Cajun Spice Mix #2 Categories: Spices Yield: 1 Batch 2 tb Red pepper 1 tb Black pepper 1 tb White pepper 1 tb Thyme 1 1/2 ts Garlic powder 1 1/2 ts Onion powder 1 1/2 ts Seasoned salt Mix peppers, herbs, and spices, store in an air tight container. Spice is great on most all meats; including pork chops and steaks; chicken and seafoods. The food to be blackened should be moistened on both sides with butter. Then coated with the spice mix. The coated meat should then be cooked in a white hot cast iron skillet on both sides until degree of wellness is reached and spice looks like a black crust. Shrimp should be peeled, leaving only the tails on. Foods my also be cooked on very hot grill. Always cook in well ventilated area, as mixture may smoke a lot. Amount of coating is to taste. This is a very spicy mix. Start light and work your way up. Blackened shrimp makes for great appetizer along with a good cocktail sauce. Shrimp need to be attened continually while cooking as it only requires a couple minutes each side. Recipe by Teresa Erickson -----