---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Pineapple Vinegar Categories: Yield: 1 servings 2 c Chopped fresh pineapple Sugar -- to taste, if Necessary 3 c Rice Wine Vinegar Or Mild White Vinegar Place the pineapple in a sterile glass jar or bottle. Add sugar to taste, if the fruit is not sweet enough. Pour the vinegar over the fruit. Cover and store in a cool, dark place for 6 to 14 days, checking for strength of flavor that you like. Strain through cheesecloth or a paper coffee filter and refrigerate. Yield: about 3 cups Copyright, 1996, TV FOOD NETWORK, G.P., All Rights Reserved 10/14/96 show Recipe By : TOO HOT TAMALES PANTRY STAPLES SHOW #TH62 From: Pat Asher Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 16:34:08 -0600 ( -----