---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CHILI *** (FDGN81E) Categories: Main dish, Beef, Tex-mex Yield: 4 servings 1 lb Lean ground beef 1 tb Butter or margarine 1 ea Med onion; finely chopped 1 ea Medium green or red pepper* 16 oz Can kidney beans, drained 16 oz Can tomatoes** 8 oz Can tomato sauce 1 ea Clove garlic; minced 1 ea Small bay leaf 1/2 ts Salt 1 ts Pepper 1/4 ts Cumin 1/4 ts Dried basil 1/4 ts Crushed oregano leaves 2-3 t chili powder *Finely chopped **drained, cut into bite size pieces In a heavy pot melt butter. Crumble meat into pot. Cook a few minutes until meat is no longer pink. Remove. To the pot, add onion and pepper. Cook a few minutes, stirring, until vegetables are soft. Add meat. Stir to combine. Add remaining ingredients. Heat to a boil.Reduce heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, at least 45 minutes. Remove bay leaf. Serve immediately. FROM: JACQUELINE HLAVATY (FDGN81E) -----