MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Real Texas Chili - TKMhol Categories: Chili, Beef, Spicy, Main dish, Marions own Yield: 6 servings 1 1/2 lb Cubed chuck steak 2 lb Raw tomatoes 2 ea Medium onions 1 ea Green bell pepper 2 ea Medium jalapeno peppers 4 tb Vegtable oil 1 ts Salt 1/2 ts Black pepper 4 tb Chili powder In a food processor or by hand dice the onions, bell pepper and the jalapeno peppers and set aside. Cut chuck steak in 1/2 inch cubes or smaller and set aside. Cut tomatoes into pieces and set aside. Heat vegetable oil in an 8 quart sauce pan and add the diced onions, bell pepper and jalapenos. Saute until browned. Add the cubed chuck steak and sear until browned, add tomatoes and spices. Cover and simmer until tomatoes are cooked down. This will feed about 6 people as a meat dish. MMMMM