MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Sausage Chili/stew Categories: Easy, Testing Yield: 4 Servings 7 oz Cooked smoked sausage (cut in half, then sliced) 1/2 c Bell pepper, diced (or more) 1/2 c Celery, diced (or more) 1/2 c Onion, diced (or more) 1 tb Chili powder (or more) 1 ts Cumin (or more) 1 cn Chopped green chillies 1/2 c Chuncky salsa 16 oz Canned kidney beans * 16 oz Canned black beans * *USE BEAN JUICE OR DRAIN. Chop vegetables and brown slightly in 4 quart sauce pan. Use any oil or spray in pan. Brown for 3 minutes over medium heat, add chili powder and cumin, stir, heat another 2 minutes. Add tomatoes,diced chilies and beans to pan, mix well simmer another 8 minutes. Slice sausage (or dice) and add to mixture. Simmer another 10 minutes on low to slightly thicken chili. I choose to add the liquid of the canned beans, if you choose to drain the liquid the end chili will be more dense. Fine with using the bean liquid. Remove from stove, place in container and placed in fridge for flavors to mingle. Will have for dinner tonight and add any comments. Good use of leftover smoked sausage. Not a tru chili, but a sausage stew type of thing. One serving in freezer - should freeze well. 4-17-11 Variation of recipe from Eckrich Sausage Web page. MMMMM