---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: COONMART CHILI Categories: Beef, Mexican Yield: 15 servings 5 lb Ground lean beef 6 Chopped onions 6 ga Cloves, minced 3 8-oz cans tomato sauce 3 6-oz cans tomato paste 3 Quarts tomato juice 9 tb Chili powder 4 tb Vinegar 4 tb Brown sugar 4 tb Ground cumin 2 ts Each: majorum, coriander Ground pepper 4 Bay leaves Dash: cinnamon, cayenne Pepper, hot sauce, ms. dash White wine & spagh sauce In very large pot, brown beef, onions and garlic; drain off fat. Add remainder of ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for several hours, stirring occasionally. Great served with shredded cheddar cheese and chopped onion toppings. -----