MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Texas Chili Con Carne Categories: Chili, Meat Yield: 6 Servings 6 Dried anchos 8 Dried hot red chiles 3 1/2 c Water; boiling 1/2 lb Beef kidney suet; in 1/2" -pieces 3 lb Lean boneless venison or -beef chuck; in 1/2" cubes 3 Bay leaves; crumbled (I'd -leave them whole) 1 tb Cumin seed 2 tb Garlic, chopped 4 ts Dried oregano 3 tb Paprika 1 tb Sugar 1 tb Salt 3 tb Yellow corn meal 1 ts Cayenne (optional) cooked pinto beans, on the side cooked rice (from 3 c raw rice), on the side Prepare the chiles by stemming them, tearing them open, and brushing the seeds out under cold running water. Remove any large ribs unless you want a hot chili. Chop the chiles coarsely and soak them in water for 30 minutes. Drain them and set them aside, reserving the soaking water. Render the suet in a big heavy kettle. Remove and discard (or eat) the crunchies. Pour off all but 1/4 c of the fat. Cook the meat in this fat until the meat changes color. Add 2 1/2 c of the soaking water and bring this all to a boil. Add the bay leaves and reduce the heat to low. Simmer the stew 1 hour with the lid ajar, stirring it occasionally. Toast the cumin seeds 10 minutes over low heat. Blend them in a blender until they are a fine powder. Add the soaked chiles, the rest of the soaking water, and the garlic, oregano, paprika, sugar, and salt. Blend this until the mess is smooth. Stir the puree into the stew and cook it 30 more minutes with the lid ajar, stirring it occasionally. Then, stirring constantly, add the corn meal in a thin stream and bring the chili to a boil. Cook, stirring all the time, until it seems done. Add the cayenne if you wish. Serve the chili with rice and beans (ON THE SIDE!). Recipe FROM: Time Life, American Cooking: The Great West From: Michael Loo Date: 09-22-96 MMMMM