MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Rocket Scientist Chilli(?) Categories: Vegetarian, Beans, Mushrooms, Chiles Yield: 4 Servings 2 c RSC soy beef; ground 28 oz Can tomato sauce 28 oz Can Diced tomatoes 28 oz Can chilli (pinto) beans 1 sm Onion; diced 12 oz Tray Mushrooms; sliced 3 tb Chilli spice mix; more to - taste In a large pot, combine tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, beans, onions, and mushrooms. Simmer until sauce becomes very hot. Stir often. Slowly add soy beef ground directly into mixture. Simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Add chilli spice to taste. Simmer for another five minutes. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM