MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chilli: The Recipe Categories: Beef, Chilies, Stews, Udd Yield: 6 Quarts 115 g Kidney Suet (4 oz) 5 lb "Chilli-grind" beef chuck 3 Celery ribs; in 2" chunks 1 lg Brown onion; peeled, chopped 16 oz Can chicken broth 48 oz Can tomato juice; Red Gold 1 1/2 tb Vinegar 1/2 tb Prune juice 1 tb Arrowroot; in: (optional) 2 tb Tap water (optional) MMMMM-------------------------FIRST-DUMP------------------------------ 10 g Jalapeno; powdered * 35 g Beef soup base (GFS/Minor's) 115 g Chilli spice mix ** 65 g Cumin 20 g Brown sugar 15 g Granulated onion 15 g Granulated garlic 25 g Salt 5 g Oregano; dried, crumbled 5 g White pepper 10 g Worcestershire powder *** MMMMM------------------------SECOND DUMP----------------------------- 25 g Chilliman chilli mix + 10 g Cumin (1 heaping ts) 2 g Salt (1/2 ts) MMMMM--------------------------OPTIONAL------------------------------- 3 cn (48 oz) Brooks Chilli Beans * Or use two FAT jalapeno chilies, diced fine, no seeds. Adjust this according to your taste for heat. This recipe sometimes gets me marked off by some judges for "too hot". ** Baron's #5640 (aka Spicecraft) is a 5# container. It is also available as #5610 in a 1# container. *** Or 6 tb of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce. + Since Chilliman was sold their chilli mix is not the same so I have been using Mexene (Bruce Foods) as a very nice replacement. Chop the celery & onion and blenderise with the chicken broth until the chunks are pureed. Transfer to a container. Measure and weigh out the dry spice ingredients and mix together in a container (a baggie will do). Render the suet in the chilli pot and add ground chuck. Cook meat stirring often to break up clumps until all the pink is gone from the meat. Add the beef soup base, tomato juice and the pureed veggies in chicken broth that you fixed the night previously. Bring to a nice boil. Add your first dump of spices and reduce heat to a medium simmer. Stir often and cook until the fat begins to render from the meat. Add the vinegar and the prune juice and continue to cook and stir. After an hour and a half turn off your stove and let the chilli rest for an hour. You may use this time to contemplate your navel or to skim off the rendered oil (reserving it to pop popcorn in at home - or to add back to the chilli after the judges get done with it) or other necessary cook-off activities such as washing up your utensils and/or skulking around and spying on the other cooks. About thirty minutes before turn-in time - fire up your stove and bring the chilli back to a nice simmer. Add the second spice dump. Continue to cook and stir and taste. Make any final adjustments. You can put the chilli in the ice box overnight if cooking this recipe at home. It works even better that way. But, we must make some compromises to keep to a schedule at a cook-off. Remember that optional stuff we mentioned in the ingredients??? If you feel that the chilli is too "thin" use that optional 1 tb of arrowroot mixed in the 2 tb of water, stirring it in at least 15 minutes before turn in to give it a chance to thicken things up. Beans are permissible at home - but, not at a chilli cook off. Leave out the suet at a chilli cook-off. However, it makes an excellent pot of chilli truly wonderful. A couple of notes here - this recipe is now one I consider to be my own. However, like almost all recipes is is based on experience, observation and the work of others. I started out with a chilli supper recipe developed by my friend Les Eastep. MM Format by Dave Drum - 17 January 2005 Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM