MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Wednesday's Chili Categories: Polkadot, Menarea, Chili Yield: 1 Servings 2 tb Oil 1 1/2 lb To 2 lb ground round 10 oz Can French (NOT creamy) -onion soup 1 tb Chili powder 2 ts Ground cumin 1/2 ts Black pepper 2 dr Tabasco 21 oz Can red kidney beans -(undrained) 6 oz Can tomato paste 8 oz Can tomato sauce Brown hamburger (in oil?) until the pink has disappeared. Put the soup in a BLENDER (must be blended) for several seconds. Pour the result over the browning meat and simmer for about 5 minutes on medium high until it is well done. Add the remainder of the ingredients. * Wendy's Chili make-alike * The Polka Dot Palace BBS 1-201-822-3627. Posted by MENAREA'S BROTHER MMMMM