---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: GRANDMAS OHIO FARM CHILI Categories: Soups, Vegetables, Chili, Beef Yield: 1 servings 3 cn Tomato soup 4 cn Water 1 lb Hamburger 1 lb Hot sausage 1 Large onion (minced) 3 cn Kidney or chili beans 2 tb Cumin 3 Bay leaves 3 ts Tabasco 1 ts Salt Brown hamburger & sausage, drain off grease, then dump it all in a big pot, bring it to a boil, then simmer for 45 minutes. Serve over a scoop of mashed potatoes in a large bowl. Tom & Gail Heffner reposted on the Cooking Echo by Bud Cloyd -----