MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cincinnati Chilli (Like Empress Chilli Parlor) Categories: Spices, Herbs, Chilli, Stews Yield: 6 Servings 3 lg Onions; chopped 6 cl Garlic; minced 4 lb Ground beef 1/3 c Chilli spice; your choice 2 tb Sweet paprika 2 ts Ground cumin 1 ts Ground coriander 1 ts Ground allspice 1 ts Greek oregano; crumbled 1 pn Cinnamon 1/4 ts Ground cloves 1/4 ts Ground mace 1 California bay leaf 3 c Water 16 oz Can tomato sauce 2 tb Red wine vinegar 2 tb Molasses Spaghetti; cooked Cooked, drained kidney beans Onion; chopped Cheddar cheese; grated Oyster crackers In a large heavy kettle, cook the onions and the garlic in a little oil over moderate heat, stirring, until the onions are softened, add the beef, and cook the mixture, stirring and breaking up the lumps, until the beef is no longer pink. Add the chilli powder, paprika, cumin, coriander, allspice, oregano, cinnamon, cloves and mace. Cook the mixture, stirring, for 1 minute. Add bay leaf, water, tomato sauce, vinegar, and molasses and simmer the mixture, uncovered, stirring occasionally and adding more water if necessary to keep the beef barely covered, for 2 hours. Or until it is thickened but still soupy enough to be ladled. Discard the bay leaf and season the chilli with salt & pepper. Serve the chilli as is or in the tradition Cincinnati 5-way: Ladle the chilli over the spaghetti and top it with beans, onion, Cheddar, and oyster crackers. (Also over hot dogs.) Recipe by Gourmet Magazine MMMMM