---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SKYLINE CHILI Categories: Main dish, Chili Yield: 1 servings 2 lb Lean ground beef 1 qt Water 4 Small onions, chopped 1 ts Garlic powder 4 ts Chili powder 2 ts Crushed red pepper 4 ts Cumin 1 tb Salt 5 Medium Bay leaves 1 ts Ground allspice 1 1/2 tb Vinegar 2 tb Worstershire sauce 6 oz Tomato paste 1 Block unsweetened chocolate Add ground beef to water in a large pot and stir until beef separates to a fine texture. Add all other ingredients. Stir to blend. Whisper "I love the Reds" and "the Bengals really aren't that bad." Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer uncovered for about 3 hours. May cover for the last hour if desired consistency has been reached. -----