MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Curried Fresh Split Pea Soup Categories: Celebrity, Soup Yield: 10 Servings 3 tb Butter 2 tb Flour 5 c Strong well-seasoned chicken -broth 3 c Pureed peas; (fresh or -frozen) 1 c Half and half Salt and pepper to taste 1 tb Curry 1 Tart apple Make a roux of butter and flour. Slowly add chicken stock to roux and cook until thickened. Add pureed peas and cream; add seasoning. Chill 4 hours - should have the consistency of heavy cream. MUST BE REALLY COLD! Peel apple, slice finely and cut into julienne strips. Add just before serving so apple will not discolor. Recipe by George H.W. Bush MMMMM