MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Xxcarol's Beef Stew Categories: Xxcarol, Beef, Stew Yield: 12 Servings 1/4 c Flour 1/2 ts Black pepper 1/2 ts Garlic powder 1/2 ts Celery salt 2 1/2 lb Beef stew meat (Chuck Roast) 4 tb Olive oil 3 tb Butter 2 c Diced onion 4 ea Garlic cloves, minced 1 c Red wine 4 c Beef broth 2 ea Beef bouillon cubes 2 tb Worcestershire sauce 2 tb Tomato paste 5 ea Carrots, diced, medium sized 1 lb Yukon gold potatoes 2 ea Bay leaves 1 ts Rosemary 1 c Frozen peas 1/4 c Cold water 3 tb Cornstarch 2 ea Kitchen bouqet browning A crowd pleaser that also freezes exceptionally well! Don't let the long list scare you, it actually assembles in less than 5 minutes in a well laid out kitchen. Several of the ingredients are optional and yes, you can add other things in. I often add in a small turnip or 2 for example. Some people like to stovetop this but it won't cook faster and will cost more. Optimal is a larger crockpot with removable ceramic liner. Because we'll be using a crockpot, you can skip browning anything. (the Olive oil is only used if browning meat on the stove before transferring to the crockpot). Add your celery salt, black pepper and garlic powder to the meat and stir it about to coat. Then add your flour and stir about to cut. The celery salt is optional if you don't have it. Add 1/2 ts salt if so. The butter also comes to play if you want to cook the onions and garlic a bit before adding, if not, just add all but the peas, water and corn starch. Let cook for 4 hours on medium. If you only have low/high/warm then use high for 3 hours then reduce to low. Add peas (if using) and corn starch mixture (also optional but thickens nicely) in the last 15 minutes or so. From the VB kitchen of: xxcarol, 13Mar2022 MMMMM