* Exported from MasterCook II * Brown Stock Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Soups Texas Cooking Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 5 Gallons Water 10 Lb Beef Bones -- sawn 10 Lb Veal Bones -- sawn 5 Lb Chicken Backs -- or feet 1/2 Celery Chopped 1 Leek -- chopped 2 Onions -- chopped 2 Lb Carrot -- chopped 3 Oz Tomato Paste 1 Head Garlic -- crushed 1 Ham Hock -- sawn 1/2 Bunch Parsley Stems 5 Bay Leaves 1 Tbl Peppercorns -- crushed 1/2 Tbl Thyme Leaf 2 Cups Red Wine 1. Blanch the bones by placing on a bed of Mirepoix in a roast pan. 2. Add all ingredients but water. Roast in a 350 degree F oven until well browned. Do not let anything burn. Baste with red wine. 3. Bring to the boil, then simmer for up to 18 hours, with skimming to remove any scum that rises. 4. Scald clean containers, and strain stock into each, seeing some fat into each to act as a protective cap. Cover with saran and cool. 5. This will keep at least a week, but should be part of the regular weekly Mise en place. Excess should be frozen or reduced for glac d'viand, a 10-1 reduction. The fat from the top is nice to use for making brown roux, as it has just the right color and flavor. NOTES: These recipes are for 5 gallons, but you can cut them in half. It hardly pays to make less than 10 quarts, but if space is a factor, reduce the stock by boiling to half its original volume. The flavors will be more pronounced, as will any errors introduced. Preparation Time: 24:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -