---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: GREEN BEANS WITH FRIED BEAN CURD Categories: Vegetarian, Beans, Oriental Yield: 1 servings 2 ea Tofu cakes 4 tb Oil 2 tb Soy sauce 1 tb Dry sherry 1/2 lb French beans 1 ts Salt 1 ts Cornflour 2 tb Stock Cut drained tofu into small cubes. Heat 2 tb oil in a wok & fry tofu till it turns golden. Remove & marinate in soy sauce & sherry. Cut beans into pieces 2" long. Heat rest of oil & stir fry beans for 1 minute. Sprinkle with salt. Add tofu & marinade. Dissolve cornstarch in water & stir into the rest of the ingredients. Cook gently till sauce thickens. Serve hot over rice. Jack Santa Maria, "Chinese Vegetarian Cooking" -----