MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Xxcarol's Bean Sprout Stir Fry Categories: Xxcarol, Vegetables, Asian Yield: 3 Servings 2 tb Olive oil; for frying 1/4 lb Bean sprouts 1/2 ea Red bell pepper 6 Fresh green beans; trimmed 2 sm Carrots 3 cl Fresh garlic This really simple fast stir fry requires little preparation so is fast. Average person with a well laid out kitchen will be done with the minimal chopping in 4 minutes. It cooks in 5 minutes. Heat oil in frying pan with flat bottom wok preferred due high sides making it easier to toss about as it cooks. Next sliver the garlic thinly then add then add sprouts and chopped peppers. Last shave the carrotwith a vegetable peeler over the dish then snap the green beans and add. Everytime you add to the pan, toss it. When you get to the green beans, it's just them to catch up and you still want them crisp. From the VB kitchen of: xxcarol, Feb 17, 2024 MMMMM