---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Croutons Categories: Breads, Breadmakers Yield: 1 Batch Bread, Leftover slightly -stale, crusts trimmed and -cut into 3/4" slices Olive oil, garlic oil, chili -oil or another flavored oil -of your choice Salt Pepper Other seasonings of choice On the stove: Use a long serrated knife to cut the bread into 3/4 x 3/4 inch cubes. In a large skillet or frying pan, heat 1/4 cup oil over medium heat. Add enough bread cubes to cover the bottom-don't crowd them. Toss them around in the hot oil, using a slotted spoon to turn them so that all sides cook. When they are brown and crisp, about 10 minutes, use the spoon to transfer them to a paper towel-lined tray or baking sheet. Add more oil, and when it is hot, proceed as above until all cubes are cooked. Season with salt and pepper and spices of your choice. In the oven: Dribble 1/3 cup oil on the bottom of a shallow roasting pan. Add the bread cubes and toss well. Bake in a 450° oven until well browned and crisp. Use a slotted spoon to turn the cubes several times. Cook approximately 15 minutes and then drain on paper towels. Season with salt and pepper and spices of your choice. Typed by Roberta Thompson Source: Bread Machine Baking/Perfect Every Time by Lora Brody and Millie Apter -----