---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Bubble Bread Categories: Bread Yield: 10 Servings 1 c Milk; scalded 1/2 c Shortening 1/2 c Sugar 1 ts Salt 2 pk Yeast 2 Eggs; beaten 5 c Flour 1/2 c Sugar; +additional 1/2 c Brown sugar 1 tb Cinnamon 1/2 c Margarine; melted 1/2 c Nuts; chopped (optional) Mix milk, shortening, salt, and 1/2 cup sugar in a bowl. Let cool to lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast over the mixture. Add eggs and 4 cups flour. Mix into a soft dough. Add flour to keep from sticking. Turn out onto floured board and knead for 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning once, cover and let stand until doubled. Punch down and let sit for 2 minutes. Combine remaining sugar, cinnamon, and brown sugar. Break dough into walnut sized balls. Roll in melted margarine and then in cinnamon mix. Place balls in greased tube pan. Let rise about 45 minutes. Bake at 350°F for 40 minutes. Note: Serve by letting everyone break off pieces rather than cutting. -----