MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: "Souper" Potato Bread Categories: Breads Yield: 2 Loaves 9 c Bread flour; unsifted 2 tb Active dry yeast 1/2 c Sugar 1 tb Salt 1 cn (10-3/4 oz) condensed cream -of potato soup 2 c Milk 1/4 c Shortening 1 lg Egg white Sesame seeds Combine 3 c flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix well. In the blender/food processor, puree soup and one cup milk. Transfer to medium saucepan. Add remaining milk, one cup water, and shortening. Heat the soup mixture until very hot (125 to 135°F). With mixer at low speed, pour hot soup mixture into flour mixture. Beat at medium speed 3 minutes. With wooden spoon, gradually add enough remaining flour until dough leaves side of bowl. Knead dough until smooth and elastic--about 5 minutes. Let rise in greased bowl. Cover with towel, and put in warm place (85°F), free from drafts, until double in size (45 minutes). Grease two 9x5" loaf pans. Punch down dough. Turn out onto floured board. Form loaves. [Illustration showing dough rolled into two strands, and the strands twisted around each other, kind of like a braid.] Cover. Let rise until doubled in size (abot 35 minutes). Preheat oven to 400°F. Beat egg white with 1 tb water. Brush tops of leaves. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. Bake 35 minutes more. Cool on wire racks. Recipe by Wendy C. MMMMM